No-fault evictions to be banned in reform of rental sector

No-fault evictions to be banned in reform of rental sector

Landlords would be banned from evicting tenants with no justification as part of a long-promised overhaul of the private rental sector in England.

A new law to be tabled in Parliament would abolish no-fault evictions and end bans on tenants claiming benefits.

The bill would also make it easier for landlords to repossess properties from anti-social tenants.

Housing campaigners said the bill was a “huge opportunity” to improve the lives of the 11 million renters in England.

Under the new law, tenants would be given the legal right to request a pet in their home, which the landlord cannot unreasonably refuse.

The law would also make it illegal for a landlord to refuse tenancies to families with children, or those in receipt of benefits.

What is a no-fault eviction?

A key piece of housing legislation, known as Section 21, allows landlords to evict tenants without giving a reason.

After receiving a Section 21 notice, tenants have just two months before their landlord can apply for a court order to evict them.


Under its reforms, the government said a tenancy “will only end if the tenant ends it or if the landlord has a valid ground for possession”.

Last year, research by Shelter, a housing charity, said nearly 230,000 private renters had been served with a no-fault eviction notice since April 2019.

Among those to be issued with such a notice was Sam Robinson and his family, partner Amy Herbert, and daughters Phoebe, 10, and Amelia, four.


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