A man in England has been sentenced for his deliberate attack on Arsenal goalkeeper Petr Cech

A man in England has been sentenced for his deliberate attack on Arsenal goalkeeper Petr Cech

The man who assaulted an Arsenal player at a match of different clubs has been sentenced for a period of time

Joseph Watts, 35 (23.06.87) of Hackney, pleaded guilty to assault when he appeared at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court today (Friday, 17 February).

He also admitted committing an offence. Throwing the missile onto a football playing area and running onto it is prohibited by law, contrary to the Football (Offences) Act 1991.

The incident happened during a match on 15 January.

He was ordered to perform 100 hours of unpaid work, pay £100 compensation for the victim, spend £85 to cover the court costs, and pay a victim surcharge of £114. He will also have a football banning order with terms of four years.

Detective Constable Phil Dickinson, of the Met’s Football Investigations Team, said:

“I am glad he will now be banned from attending any football matches for at least four years.”

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